You Are Experiencing a Safety Incident

You Are Experiencing a Safety Incident

This week we have with us Chris McCabe  an Amazon alumni merchant consultant who has some great tips about how to keep your Amazon listings safe.  Amazon’s efforts to enforce product safety and compliance took a new turn with reports of blocked...


Feedvisor Special Offer for 888 Lots Customers

We are happy to announce that we can offer a special Feedvisor promotion for all 888 Lots customer. We have teamed up with Feedvisor to offer one month of free service.  For every lot purchase, you make on 888 Lots you will have the opportunity to...

Buy Box Bible

5 Key Metrics to Winning the Buy Box

This week in our Expert Advice section we have some great insights about the 5 key metrics to winning the buy box. The following is a guest post by Ohad Hagai, Feedvisor VP Marketing: The most lucrative position on the Amazon marketplace is the Buy...

Amazon Cuts Shipping Fees

Amazon Lower FBA Fees For Small Items

Recently Amazon announced that they will cut off the shipping fees for small envelope packages. The new changes will take effect on July 1. According to Bloomberg, this is a serious indicator that the giant will aim at the Asian market. Merchants...


Introducing Premium Gold Lots

We are happy to announce that we have a new addition to our LOT types. As you know we have Premium LOTS in which you will find items with higher per-item values. Now in addition to our premium LOTS you can find and our specially selected premium...

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