How to use the Negotiator tool on 888 Lots

The Negotiator tool is one of our essential, but probably very often overlooked tools. We mentioned it briefly in our introductory blog post, but here we will go into more detail and give it the attention it deserves. We at 888 Lots strongly believe...

Getting Started with Online Arbitrage for Amazon FBA Sellers

Providing Your Box Contents to Amazon

For our Expert Advice section, this week we have with us Diana Poisson from SecondHalfDreams. Today, Diana shares with us a great step by step guide on how to provide your box contents to Amazon. Amazon has an optional tool that allows you to tell...

New feature for eBay sellers and webshop owners

eBay sellers and online store owners have time and again let us know that it is sometimes difficult for them to source inventory with 888 Lots. True, our platform is somewhat targeted more towards Amazon sellers, but we do accept and welcome any...

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