GOOD ‘N’ FUN Wholesale Deals

GOOD ‘N’ FUN Wholesale Deals


Good ‘N’ Fun Wholesale Deals on 888Lots

At 888Lots, we are thrilled to offer a selection of high-quality dog treats from Good ‘N’ Fun, that have been well-received by customers. These treats are made from top-notch ingredients like real beefhide and chicken, ensuring they are both delicious and nutritious for pets.

For resellers and shop partners, these treats are a fantastic addition to your product line. They cater to the growing demand in the pet care market, providing an excellent opportunity for business growth. The variety of flavors and textures available in this range appeals to a wide range of canine preferences, making them popular choices among dog owners. Furthermore, these treats aren’t just enjoyable for dogs; they also promote better dental hygiene, helping reduce tartar and calculus buildup. This dual benefit of taste and health makes them a preferred choice for pet owners who are concerned about their dog’s well-being.

With high customer ratings and significant purchase volumes, these products have proven their market appeal. This strong performance is a clear indicator of their potential profitability and customer satisfaction. As a reseller, stocking these products can enhance your offerings, attract a dedicated customer base, and boost your sales in the thriving pet care segment. Adding these dog treats to your inventory on 888Lots presents a great opportunity to cater to a passionate and dedicated market of dog lovers, while also diversifying your product offerings with items that are both enjoyable and beneficial for pets.

Offer your customers a top-choice pet treat with the GOOD ‘N’ FUN Triple Flavor 7″ Rolls. This 2-pack is a fantastic addition to your pet product range, appealing to dog owners seeking variety and quality for their pets. Ideal for all dog life stages, these chews are not just treats but also aid in dental health. With their enticing flavor blend and robust scent, these rolls are a must-have for any pet supplies section.

Resellers get it at an attractive price of $4.00 per unit, offering significant savings compared to Amazon’s price of $5.98. This competitive pricing, combined with the high retail value of $6.99, presents an excellent profit margin for your business.

  • Amazon Rating: 4.6/5 from 753 reviews
  • Highlighted Features: Flavor (4.8), Scent (4.4), Value for Money (4.3), Longevity (4.2)
  • Amazon’s Choice: Tagged for high-quality in Dog Rawhide Rolls


Why Choose Good ‘n’ Fun?

  • Triple-Flavor Treats: A blend of flavors in each chew keeps dogs engaged and satisfied.
  • Dental Health Benefits: Regular chewing helps maintain oral hygiene.
  • Amazon’s Choice Endorsement: A symbol of trust and quality.
  • Exceptional Value: Praised in customer reviews for affordability and quality.


Don’t miss out on this chance to satisfy the needs of pet owners and boost your sales. Stock up on GOOD ‘N’ FUN products today on 888Lots and give your business the edge it needs in the thriving pet care market. Act now and be part of this profitable journey!

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